Purging can sound like a bad word for those who love to hold onto things or just simply have allot of stuff! ‘Stuff’, bookmark this word. Depending on how long you’ve dwelled in the same home or how much you like to shop it’s a likely chance you have a plethora of clothing, shoes, accessories, decor, and more. The ’stuff’ as mentioned above; I would like to use to label the items we should look at to purge.
Tips on where to start with sorting through our stuff: Do we wear it often? Have we wore it in the last year, or two to be generous? If it’s an item, do we use it? If it’s decor, do we still love it and is it still our aesthetic style? These are a few questions to help form the purging pile lists we need to make! Because I’ve moved a bit over the last 10-15yrs; I haven’t accumulated too much without having a need to purge in the midst of packing and unpacking. Now that I’ve been in my current home for going on 3yrs, had some retail therapy without purging, and accumulated some new decor in the mix; it’s time to purge.
I will self identify that in my home, my bedroom and wardrobe/office room are both in the organized chaos category! What’s going on with my bedroom drawers and semi walk-in closet totally impact what’s happening in the wardrobe space in the next room. That said, purging is needed in both rooms before I can start the transformation needed for my ORC (One Room Challenge) project. In case you missed the fuss with our registration to participate for Spring 2020, check out our Instagram post from January 29th;
You can also learn more about it on their website; or on their Instagram page.
So, the decision to redesign my home office/wardrobe room for this project will transition both rooms into happy, well organized spaces I can maneuver through better. I say it often, functionality is just as impressive as aesthetics! Knowing where to start is half the battle we all must face to get to the fun part. I actually find purging therapeutic. Making the time to do it has been the challenge, who can relate?
If you’re still reading that means you need to get some things at home organized as much as I do. It must start with a plan, and you know we LOVE planning here at Plot Twist Design. So, like everything else important to us, let’s plan for this and schedule it on our calendars. While it’s just February now, Spring will be here in a blink. Looking over the next few weeks let’s set aside time weekly to do the purging work, then the reorganization plan for what’s left that made the cut. I suspect like me, many if you will still have allot of goodies left after purging the ’stuff’ (aka old goodies)! Donate or pass on to friends and family. You’d be surprised who would love to have items you’re no longer using or need.
Once the plan is in motion the rest should be fun.
Tips on how to organize: Invest in shelving units, baskets, or see through containers. Visualizing what you have helps more than you can imagine. Make room in drawers for the everyday essentials. From a wardrobe perspective, how many of us have had junk drawers or clothing drawers housing clothes we never actually wear?! I have a few that will soon be cleared and possibly gone! Millions of ideas and hacks can be found through Google and Pinterest, but an all time favorite place to start of mine has been IKEA. Check out their latest storage options for all areas of your home here:
Hopefully I’ve motivated you by sharing a bit of my own happy home mess I have to sort through. We can do this, and we’ll feel so much better when it’s done!
Stay tuned as I’ll be sharing more on my design strategy and mood boarding after the work is completed this month into next for my operation organization. Until then please join me and share in comments if you wish. We would love to hear what you’re doing in your home!
‘Be encouraged and of good cheer’ -Bible
XOXO Kelly